Saturday, September 23, 2006

forgive nobody

I had a very unhappy discussion with the Taiwanese in our lab on the mainland-taiwan issue. It made me sick till the next morning when I awoke. How naive I didn't to expect him to be such a narrow-minded person and I though the issue derived from more than 10 years' civil war and nearly 50 years' isolation could be easily communicated. If he is not of severely low IQ or totally messed logic, he must be on purpose. I feel strong hostility to him today, can't talk to him anymore, even hate any eye contact. Actually, I never expect a political issue can affect my own life in such a way since I am so indifferent about it.

I need some people to agree with me on that issue. Isn't it clear that it's stupid and ridiculous for Taiwanese to try to be independent. The issue is just a problematic relationship. The best solution may come with our new knowledge in psychology. What make me sick is how people's ignorance will lead to a bad end. Do people living on a lsland tend to be narrow-minded?

I should not waste my time on such issues with such a person. That's my lesson.

Maybe I am a little self-conceit to always try to discuss such sensitive issue. I succeeded once when I talked with a Japanese girl about WWII but also failed once with another Japanese girl. It's maybe my problem to always believe I am the righteous one. It's quite intellectually and emotionally comsuming. I have no interest in politics but too keen on right or wrong.

Can you understand me? Do you know how sincere, objective, and goodwilled when I try to touch such issues?


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